
Career of the silly thing - Reissue

The 1985 album Career of the silly thing is now available for the first time on CD/Digital via the Austrian label Klanggalerie

Originally released by Volition Records in Australia and Ink Records in the UK Career of the silly thing represented something of a breakthrough release, revealing a shift towards a more conventional and melodic yet still challenging sound. It was then described as being "their most interesting and accessible record so far, with a more harmonious synthesis of noise and beat than they had previously reveals an obsession with the grotesque on the part of the major songwriters."

As a bonus to the original album the four tracks from the 1987 EP Selling The Axe To Buy The Wood are included.

You can check it out here


All things must persist

Scattered Order return with All things must persist their most challenging release in 44 years of music creating. The album they have always strived to make. It was originally assembled in chaos and disorder; a collision of 1970’s trippy movie soundtracks; ‘you know who’ live at Pompeii; lush sounds; jokes; messed up grooves; pianos tinkling in the night; mistakes and bungles; a couple of old canons and drones. An introspective subtly is evident throughout the nine tracks. Sometimes delicate and wistful then suddenly jarred by abrasive noise making and always looking forward with hope.
Available as 2 x vinyl LPs and digital.

Check it out via bandcamp